Thursday, April 23, 2015

Heavy wind, absent mind and tiny blue flowers

for whatever we lose
(like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves
we find in the sea

Today was a windy day. And yesterday was windy too. I don't remember if it was the same on the day before that, but even if it wasn't, it's storming inside my head anyway.

There are so many things... happening or about to happen. The spring, tiny blue flowers and the whole rebirth of nature. The chaos in the living room, me sitting there on the corner of the couch with poetry or prose and sometimes being unsure about what's actually fact and what's fiction. I'll have to pinch myself to realize that I've actually thrown away those favorite jeans (that haven't fit me for seven years) and that I've resigned from my current day-job.

This is all good. For once in while I really need to blow my own damn mind.

Sharing with: Little Things Thursday, Friday Finds,


  1. Such stunning images! Love each and every one of them!

  2. Lovely work. I love the wind-blown hair in the first image.

  3. love the softness of all your images

  4. Beautiful portrait. Well done. Happy Friday!

  5. Ihastuttavat tunnelmakuvat, Mona! Ja hurjasti myötatuulta uusiin suunitelmiin ja muutoksiin ... Nauti tästä seesteisestä vaiheesta, kun voit lukea runoja ja romskuja - toivottavasti tyttäret ovat jo tervehtymässä.

    1. Voi kiitos Nina! Alamme kaikki olla toistaiseksi terveitä, aurinko paistaa ja uudet tuulet puhaltavat :)

  6. Love the way you captured her hair swirling around in the wind


  7. oh, so beautiful!


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